Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Transfer Day

A lot happened this week. Elder Day is leaving from our district and that was sad - so we went to tide table and had dinner.

I had my first zone conference. My trainer and I did a training and president said we did really well so I take his word for it. Then transfers. They told us that Elder Mower and I were staying together, then when they announced it - they were like "that's not right". Then they put Mower with Elder Lal training him and me with Elder Hanks and he is finishing my training. There are 4 elders in Uliga now. Elder Lal is from Fiji and he is the man. Really ready to be out here and serve. Fun fact Elder Hanks was on the Kiribati side, and he just came to the Marshalls. He is fluent in Kiribiati, but knows next to no Marshallese. So he is training me to be a missionary, but I am training him in the language. It will be fun.

On Saturday, I saw my first baptism. It wasn't mine, but I went to it to support. The spirit and love I felt there was overwhelming. It has helped me strive to help others come to that point in their life.

Also - I haven't seen conference, so no spoilers!!

 MTC group together for Zone Conference

 Elder Justus Peterson and Elder Underwood

Elder Hanks

SIDE NOTE - Elder Hanks is from Bountiful, Utah. My mom connected with his mom on facebook to get "the story" because I didn't know why Elder Hanks was transferred from Kiribati to the Marshalls and finding his biological mom. The Hanks family adopted twin boys from the Marshall Islands 20 years ago (one of them is Elder Hanks). They went to Majuro and spent a week there to pick up the babies. The birth mom spent a week with them and they grew to love her spending this time with her. It was a blessing for Elder Hanks to get called back to this mission. When President Larkin learned of this situation, he wanted Elder Hanks to have the opportunity to re-connect and find his Marshallese family. The Hanks family anticipated and were hopeful that something would happen. Elder Hanks' mom sent pictures of the birth mom and things and places that we knew so Elder Hayden Hanks would have that to go on. He gave those pictures and information to the AP and President Larkin so they would be able to search for her, knowing she was on the island of Ebeye. A couple of weeks ago, they found her and quickly made travel plans to make it happen! The twins also have a biological sister in Idaho that they keep in touch with. The Hanks family was able to have a Skype call with Elder Hanks, his twin that is at home working, the sister in Idaho, the parents and the biological mom. It is a miracle and a dream come true.

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