Monday, March 25, 2019

Transfer Week

Looks like I will be staying here for 6 more weeks. We should have about 6 baptisms this transfer if it all goes well. Who knows what will happen. Looks like I am staying with Elder ORton a little longer as well.

One thing that happened was we had a dinner with members and they had really good food from the army base. Pizza, Subway, chicken wings and ice cream. We got food and then they gave us more and more and more until Elder Orton and I were so full. Then they kept giving us more water at the same time. We thought it was done and over, all though it is good food - your stomach only gets so big before you have to put it somewhere, usually the body prefers throwing it up. Anyway, then they say, "who wants dessert?" We thought "crap" - then they plopped this huge 5 gallon tub of ice cream in front of us. Luckily they didn't make us eat all of it because it was too frozen. After that we went back to the house and almost died. I also looked 3 months pregnant. All around good week.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Events in Ebeye

This week flew by. I got a little sick, but I am fine now. On Saturday, we had a baptism. It was stressful because at first it was in the morning because he works in the night. Then he was trying to get off work because he wanted to get baptized in the night. On Friday, he still didn't know if he had work off. We woke up early to try to contact him before the baptism and fill the font before 9 am. We figured out that he doesn't work, so it is in the night. It was crazy, but we got it organized while it was happening, always on our toes. Elder Orton baptized him.

We had a lot of commitments come out of 4 people to choose a marriage date and or a baptismal date. Next month is looking awesome. Also - I only wore one outfit this week. Livin' the island life.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Another good week

This week we learned that our house was cursed with black magic because someone hated the missionaries previously. They cursed ti with cockroaches that eat humans, but it doesn't work because we have the power of God with us. We just have a lot of cockroaches in the house.

I also found a book of Marshallese stories and creation legends. These are really fun to read. The origin of the coconut is a woman gave birth to a coconut. They weren't sure what it was. It had 2 eyes and a mouth (the 3 holes you see on the coconut). Time went on and he said to bury him under the window. They did and then the coconut grew into a tree. That spread to a bunch of trees. That is the shortened version, but it is crazy some of the things they say to justify the origins of something.

Monday, March 4, 2019

2 baptismal dates

The best part of my week was that we got two more baptismal dates. One of them we think will get baptized at the end of the month and one will get baptized next Saturday. One of the baptism candidates does everything possible with the word of wisdom and isn't married. He decided that he was going to stop and then get married because his wife won't marry him until he is clean. Really showed true love. Had a lot of fun this week.